The Beautiful Blogger Award!


Yesterday I was delighted and flattered to receive the Beautiful Blogger Award from the amazing and extremely creative Erin at diy2emc.  This is  my favorite DIY lifestyle blog, with tips on great food, daily inspiration, health & beauty, green living, and even “frugal flips!”  Readers are hooked from their first visit, jumping from one great post to the next; from the coolest way to pack a salad, to turning a $20 sweater into a $500 masterpiece in couture, to rethinking your kitchen clutter, Erin is a modern domestic goddess- and I learn something every day from this amazing blog!  Thank you, Erin!

For those who are not familiar with this award, the rules are simple:

1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you

2. Post the award on your blog

3. Share seven facts about yourself

4. Nominate seven bloggers and tell them you nominated them.

My nominations:

Feed the piglet…or else johhny gets it.  Two words: food porn.  This is my go-to cooking blog.  The original recipes are fantastic, and the photography is grand!  I get hungry every time I visit.  This is a beautiful blog, from the layout, to the recipes, to the amazing food photography and writing – hence the award.  One visit and you’ll be feeding the piglet too!

Sadie & Daisie.  This is a visually beautiful blog.  Sadie is the writer, and Daisie is one of her adorable dogs, who has frequent cameos on the blog.  Mostly great pictures and words of wisdom, this is a great blog to visit for daily inspiration on life, fashion, food, and almost everything else.

Where’s my backpack?  This is a great travelogue from a modern-day adventurer.  The posts are well written, informative, entertaining, and the pictures are fantastic.  Alisa is currently in the middle of a trip that will take her form coast to coast of the U.S. not one, but three times!  She is doing this by plane, train, and automobile- really.  It has been a treat to follow her adventure.  From Alisa’s About page: “anyone who tries to tell you it’s a small world hasn’t tried to see it all.”

Thestreetartcurator.  Great street art of all kinds: “Everything from design, graffiti, modern/contemporary art, stencils, posters, hip hop, indie, photography, drawing, illustrations, installations, yarn bombing, street culture, stickers and anything in-between.”

Sweet & Spicy Life.  In another great food blog, Elly shows us that you can LOVE food and look good too!  I love the food bucket list and the recipes are divine!

Jules’ Fuel.  This is a great blog on healthy living, travel, and life in general.  Filled with posts on great travel tips, healthy and delicious recipes, and all kinds of information on how to make a positive change in your life without turning your life upside down.

tinlizzieridesagain.  I love this blog written by a former costume designer/ bicycle commuter.  A unique and original take on fashion and cycling that will keep you coming back for more.

7 things about me: since most of my nominations have to do with food, I thought that I would list 7 food- related facts about me:

  1. I love organ meats.  Yup- love them.  However, I will not eat tripe or kidneys just anywhere.  Most of the time I prefer to prepare them myself or eat them at someone’s house.  I’m actually making tripe a la Milanese tonight- I’ll post the recipe and pics soon.
  2. I LOVE TO PICKLE.  This is my new obsession.  Maybe it’s not that new, since one of the first things I ever made (when I was about 11) was a really weird but beautiful and tasty vegetable terrine that incorporates many of the pickling principles that I’ve been using recently.  I have to dig up that recipe…
  3. I’m not a picky eater by anybody’s standards, but i really disliked lamb…until I married a Greek
  4. I describe every single place I’ve ever been in terms of the food.  I can’t help myself.  At least I have my priorities straight.
  5. I’m an equal opportunity eater.  I like junk food and a pack of Cheetos as much as escargot and paté.  I’m not a purist either- if it tastes good, I’ll eat it and love it and eat it again!
  6. I exercise to eat.  I hate to admit it, but I go to the gym and ride my bike so that I can go back home and pig out.
  7. I love to smoke foods.  We got a Bradley smoker about a year ago, and I have tried to smoke absolutely everything from vegetables to cheeses to fish to all kinds of meats and sausages.  The weird thing is that I didn’t really like smoked foods until I started doing it myself.
